Partnership Registration Form

Partnership Registration Form

Email (Username)*
Repeat Password:

Affiliation Information

School Information

Elementary School
Middle School
High School
County District Office

Partnership(s) Focus Area

Academic Support
Improve academic outcomes through tutoring, Read Alouds, and educational activities or demonstrations
Career Awareness
Introduce students to career pathways through guest speakers, workplace tours, and career fairs
Career Exploration
Provide opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience such as job shadowing and industry projects
Career Planning
Helping students develop career goals and plans through mentorship programs and resume workshop.
Work-Based Learning
Immersive programming like internships, Simulated Workplaces, or CAREERS(Career Acceleration Readiness Experiences and Employment for Regional Students)
Social Emotional Support
Provide resources and programs to support students’ social and emotional well-being, suchas mentoring programs
Financial Support
Providing funding or resources to support specific educational initiatives, such as scholarships, grants, or equipment donations.

Business Partner Information

General Information

Renew Membership

Change Email/Password

Transaction History

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SEO Report

  • Placeholder issue 1: This is a test issue.
  • Placeholder issue 2: Another test issue.
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Performance Report

  • Placeholder issue 1: This is a test issue.
  • Placeholder issue 2: Another test issue.