EdTalks 2024 - New Core Partnerships
Join EdTalks for ‘New Core Partnerships: Business and Community for West Virginia Students.’
The Education Alliance is a nonprofit organization that advocates for a quality public education for all West Virginia children. It was established in July 1983 by business executives who saw the importance of supporting public schools and giving the business community a voice in education. As a nonprofit organization, it is supported 100 percent by grants and donations.
Empower students with educational opportunities, support, and mentorship. Our AmeriCorps Mentor program pairs caring adult community mentors with struggling students, providing consistent in-school mentoring to help them succeed academically and beyond.
Join us in mobilizing businesses and communities to drive positive student outcomes through innovative programs. Together, we can empower students with the skills and resources they need to succeed, shaping a brighter future for our communities and beyond.
Advance system improvement through visionary leadership, open dialogue, and proactive advocacy. Together, let’s shape the future of education by setting bold visions, fostering constructive dialogue, and advocating for meaningful change.
Join EdTalks for ‘New Core Partnerships: Business and Community for West Virginia Students.’
The thing that makes me the most excited is when I can see my students improving. I have one student whose reading level has improved a grade and a half since the beginning of the year. He smiled so big and has gained so much confidence because he knows how much he’s improving. It totally made my day!
- Education Alliance AmeriCorps Mentor
The Education Alliance is a nonprofit organization that advocates for a quality public education for all West Virginia children. It was established in July 1983 by business executives who saw the importance of supporting public schools and giving the business community a voice in education. As a nonprofit organization, it is supported 100 percent by grants and donations.