Each year The Education Alliance hosts an EDTalks® event in West Virginia. EDTalks® is an education-based speaker series designed to engage business, education, and community leaders in innovative discussions about connecting education, jobs and West Virginia’s future. The 2024 EDTalks® featured two thought leaders, Nucor Vice President & General Manager John Farris and WV Senate Education Chair Amy Grady. Both EDTalks addressed the theme of New Core Partnerships for West Virginia Students and are archived below for viewing.
WVNews, March 28, 2023: Future in aviation now in reach for students enrolled in Marshall University’s Bill Noe Flight School at West Virginia International Yeager Airport
WVNews, March 17, 2023: Sky's the limit: EdTalks aviation industry program focuses on West Virginia students' passion, dreams
WVHS, June 29, 2022, 5:30 evening news broadcast coverage
WOWK, June 29, 2022, 5:00 evening news broadcast coverage
Press Release, June 29, 2022: EDTalks Address “Recruiting WV’s Youth for Our Future”:The Education Alliance Brings Together Business, Education, and Student Leaders
Bollyinside, June 7, 2021: West Virginia Business and School Leaders Discuss the Future of Virtual Internships for High School Students | State newspaper news
WV Metro News, June 1, 2021: The Education Alliance hosts EDTalk on how pandemic shaped future of career readiness
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel, May 28, 2021: WV Ready: Virtual internships have much to offer
WV News, May 25, 2021: West Virginia school and business leaders discuss future of virtual internships for high school students