Week ending February 21
The Regular Session of the 87th West Virginia Legislature began energetically, 30 days later than the typical calendar to accommodate the transition to the new governor's administration. Lawmakers introduced numerous education bills. Here are highlights of this week’s activity:
- SB 460 - Relating to vaccine requirements providing religious and philosophical exemptions to the immunizations of school children. After bipartisan efforts to amend the bill that will allow parents and guardians religious and conscientious objections to West Virginia’s mandatory immunization schedule for public, private, and religious schools all were rejected on Tuesday, (read more here) the bill made its way to Senate Floor where itl was laid over on third reading, as of 2\20
- SB 275 - This bill removes the requirement that school cooks or custodians have high school diploma or equivalent - This bill passed out of committee and is on second reading (as of 2\20).
- SB 282 - Modifying provisions for employment of retired teachers as substitutes in areas of critical need and shortage: This bill would remove the requirement for the county board to maintain a job posting for a regularly employed teaching position that is being filled by a retired teacher. This bill was scheduled for second reading as of 2\20.
- SB 283 - Expanding grade levels of personal finance course requirements needed for graduation meaning allowing students to complete the personal finance course at different grade levels so that it counts toward meeting the high school graduation requirement. This bill was scheduled for second reading as of 2\20.
- SB 284 - Relating to county board of education member orientation and compensation. The proposal expands the topics required for county board of education member orientation and increases the annual training hours. It also requires make-up training within 30 days for members who miss orientation, allows the State Board of Education to mandate additional training, and sets a $260 compensation rate per meeting. This bill has not seen any movement since its discussion in the Committee.
- SB 122 - Establishing minimum student enrollment for school aid formula. Since its introduction the bill passed out of Education Committee and was referred to Finance.
- SB 154 - Prohibiting public schools from requiring students to participate in sexual orientation instruction.the bill also has requirements that school staff must report a student’s request for an accommodation that is intended to affirm the student’s gender identity, such as using preferred pronouns, to parents and guardians. (Read more here). The bill passed out of Senate Education.
- SB 37 - The bill, allowing Teachers Retirement System members to exchange unused leave for monetary compensation, also passed out of Senate Education.
- SB 158 - Modifying eligibility requirements for serving as a member of State Board of Education. The proposal modifies the eligibility and qualifications for serving on the State Board of Education, restricts certain political activities, and allows specific political activities. The Senate Education Committee passed the bill out of committee.
House Education conducted various Agency reviews during its meetings this week.
2166- Establishing the behavioral health workforce education initiative at the Higher Education Policy Commission. The proposal relates to establishing the Behavioral Health Workforce Education Initiative at the Higher Education Policy Commission; directing the Treasurer to place funds into the account; establishing the Behavioral Health Workforce Initiative; setting forth terms of the initiative; and creating definitions.
2190-This proposal relates to creating a three-year program to include Potomac State College of West Virginia University as an eligible institution for participation in the "Learn and Earn Program"; and removing reference to the program being a "pilot" program.